From the beginning of outbound marketing even before the arrival of digital, it seemed difficult – if not impossible – to target a specific clientele . Poster campaigns, television or telephone advertising are aimed at everyone and in an undifferentiated way, whether the brand's target customer or not. This is what made john wanamaker, one of the first to understand the potential of outbound marketing, say: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I don't know which half! the difficulty of measuring the cost of campaigns has thus played a major role in the distancing of many companies from outbound marketing.
Habituation . Today, with the eritrea email list 100000 contact leads massive proliferation of media and communication channels, the prospect has become accustomed to seeing advertising in their daily environment and has integrated it into it. So much so that it is becoming increasingly difficult to impact them, even though advertisements are increasingly oriented towards emotional and cognitive stimulation of individuals. A general Fed up feeling . The advent of the internet and new technologies has made it possible to develop new forms of advertising, and in particular more targeted advertising that is adapted to the prospect.
But this online advertising necessarily involves collecting personal data on internet users , a collection that is sometimes done without their knowledge. on this point, the gdpr appears to be a response to the european legal vagueness that, until now, perhaps left too much freedom with regard to the collection and processing of personal information via digital. The fact remains that internet users have developed a certain distrust of online advertising; many of them consider it intrusive when it appears unexpectedly on social networks, on websites or even in their mailbox.