When we talk about business, we talk about the Internet. Did you know that no matter where in the world your company is located, you can use the web to close sales by simply sending an email?
I invite you to continue reading because here I will share with you what your web hosting company should offer you and how to make the most of your email.
According to studies carried out by some market research firms and consultancies, last year between 224 and 269 billion emails were sent every day and of these, a very high percentage, which can vary between 40% and 60%, are considered SPAM, that is, emails that end up in the trash or that, due to their content and origin, you yourself delete without checking them.
To prevent your email communications from adding to the percentage of SPAM and thus significantly reducing the possibility of them fulfilling their function of communicating and selling, it is essential that you carefully check whether your business email server in America keeps your information and your company's reputation protected.
Steps to securing the best business email server in America
Show that your company is a formal business:
Determining where you will host your website is the first thing you should check, armenia business email list and to do so, I suggest you look for a hosting company that offers you a guarantee of the longest uptime, support from technical experts who are available 24/7 365 days a year, adequate storage capacity and resources so that you can install your website and manage it easily, that has its own servers so you can rest assured that you will not have to suffer with the impediments of those who outsource this service, that has the necessary experience and the capacity to ensure protection and security for your website, online site or e-commerce store.

Use your domain name to build trust:
Investing in a business email server in America will allow you to use your domain name, i.e. the name of your website, in your company email address. This will assure those who receive your emails that you are dealing with a sender who knows how to do business and will increase the chances that your emails will be opened, read and, if well crafted, will promote an action that will ultimately lead to the purchase of your services or products.
To acquire the best domain name , I invite you to learn about the ones available from the largest domain registrar and web hosting company in the world. You can easily find it online and you will know that you are in the right place because its portfolio of services is the largest and most complete that exists today. Play it safe and get your domain from the industry leader.
Increase your productivity with a professional email:
If you follow my recommendation above, once you have invested in your own web domain and a business email server in America, you will be able to work your way and organize your emails from any of your devices and on the platform that best suits your needs.
Also, check out the plan that offers you the advantages of managing and storing your email in the cloud. There is one that uses Office 365 software and tools and also allows you to work with cloud versions so that, no matter where you are or where your collaborators are, they can work online, create and edit documents, as well as receive and send emails with the peace of mind that they will not run out of storage space.
Check out other mail server plans
If you also want your website to be powerful, flexible and require the use of resources without restrictions, then also check out the plans that offer dedicated server hosting, where you can host your website with resource-intensive applications and you will have a great capacity for customization. Of course, you will have a business email server in America where you can find direct attention from experts who speak your same language and who have the experience and capacity necessary to help you not only keep your website in perfect condition, but also support you so that you can use the benefits of activating effective Email Marketing campaigns.