With the looming second wave, and everything that comes after that, we actually know that we are in the 'never normal' . Online communication and sales have therefore definitely broken through. It is not a temporary trend: the webshop is a fixed value for now and the future.
It is not only the big boys who achieve results with their shops. The entire alphabet from A(mazon), B(ol.com) and C(oolblue) to the Z of Zalando provides examples that we have been seeing for a while now with their success stories. The special thing about the past six months is that it turns out that smaller companies and independent shops can also be successful. But sometimes not at all. There are clear differences visible between the entrepreneurs.
This raises the question: what are the success factors? In this article we list four of them. If you turn the right knobs, your webshop can also become a winner.
Your visitor wants to make a donation, but is that really that easy? I'm happy to tell you how to set up your donation page as frictionless and clear as possible to ensure that your visitor can mexico telegram data proceed to a donation. Let's go!
Yes! Your visitor has an intention to donate! You have the basics in order and explained your purpose well . Time for action. Your visitor clicks the 'Donate' button with conviction. What should follow is a page that makes it as easy as possible for your visitor.
Before the visitor arrives at the donation page
When we talk about the donation page, we are talking about the moment in the journey where your visitor enters a specific page well-informed and enthusiastic about your charity. This is important, because you do not want your visitor to drop out of the donation process to look for additional information.
The funnel should be linear to prevent as many click-outs as possible. A fairly common mistake is that visitors, for example, land directly from digital campaigns on the donation page. This results in high bounce rates , which is a waste of your advertising spend. Therefore, make sure your visitor has the right knowledge before he/she starts with the donation page.
Imagine you are given a simple task. “Go to the supermarket and buy a carton of milk.” Doesn’t sound very complex, does it? Can you perform that task most quickly and efficiently if the store is 100 meters away, or 2 kilometers away? And is it faster if you don’t meet anyone on the way, or if you just happen to bump into your best friend? And is it easier if you don’t encounter any obstacles or if you have to jump over two large ditches?
Of course, it sounds like a lame series of examples, but you may be doing the same thing on your website. And that is exactly where it can be prevented: you want to make it as easy as possible for the visitor to go through your donation funnel without distraction. Especially if the intention to donate is already there.
The following tips will certainly help you with this.
Cut away all distractions
You want to prevent your visitor from leaving the donation page. Therefore, give as few reasons as possible to click away. Focus on the most minimal form of content. Remove your menu, do not use a footer at the bottom of the page and use as little visual content as possible. If you use photography, make sure it is clear what you are contributing to.
Doctors Without Borders donation page.
For example, Doctors Without Borders chooses to cut away all navigation and only show what is necessary.
Make sure that your page at least prominently features your logo and that you clearly state once again what you stand for, so that the visitor knows what the donation contributes to in broad terms.
Make sure your donation page is accessible to all visitors
Web accessibility is an important part of any website. You don’t want to leave anyone out. So make sure all your images have Alt attribution, your input fields have the correct labels, and the page is fully navigable with the keyboard.
2. Help your visitor with the size of the donation
The choice of the size of a donation is not easy for many people and depends on several factors. You would do well to help your visitor in the size.
Also read: From visitor to donor [5 tips for charities]