Before you start, it is a good idea to choose a moderator. This person will guide the group through the exercises.
1. Start Positive – 10 minutes
Materials: post-its and markers
Write all the positive things about the topic to be discussed on post-its. What helps us move forward to achieve our business and product goals? Try to write short sentences. After 4 minutes, everyone says what he/she wrote in front of the whole group. Team members may ask for clarification, but not start discussions.
2. Formulating problems – 7 minutes
Materials: post-its and markers
Everyone writes down their biggest challenges, concerns and things that bother them within the current problem or topic on post-its. Again, use simple sentences.
Team meetings
3. Presenting Problems – 10 minutes
One by one, the team members are given 4 minutes to briefly present the problems they are experiencing. The other team members listen attentively and do not enter into discussion. Stick the post-its clearly on a whiteboard or the wall so that everyone can see them.
4. Vote now! – 6 minutes
reached the ceiling of your company. This poland telegram data happens to every company at some point. Then it is time to structure your organization. If you have the internal structure in order, you can start a growth spurt. Using the EOS process (the Entrepreneurial Operating System), you will learn how to structure your company and thus make it grow.
Structure on six axes
With over twenty years of experience, 1300 sessions with entrepreneurs and knowledge of over 120 companies, the author of Traction (aff.), Gino Wickman, speaks from experience. That is nice, because the book is therefore interspersed with anecdotes from companies. It not only ensures that the theory becomes more convincing, but also that it becomes easier to put it into practice. That makes Traction a concrete and applicable manual for every entrepreneur who is confronted with management challenges.

The EOS process revolves around measuring your organization on six complementary axes, with which you can start to create structure. In this piece I would like to share which six axes they are and how you can get started with them. Before you start working on these six aspects of your company, you must be open to new insights, be growth-oriented and dare to be vulnerable. A reassuring thought: every company sometimes hits its ceiling, collides with the possibilities of the organization, a department or an individual. Make sure that your internal structure is in order before you start a growth spurt.