Chrome Extension is a resourceful tool that scarps long-form links. It helps you shorten your customize your links in one click. With it, you can create bit links with a unique domain and customize the back half of the new bit links all within the extension.
How does it help?
The Chrome Extension works by helping you mexico whatsapp numbers shorten your links. Then it measures the impact of your links as you share it. It also makes your link easy to access as you can brand it to your company name and to the name of the course you’re promoting. Also, the data for any of the bit links you create through the extension can be accessed directly through the Bitly app on your mobile phone.
Why it’s great?
The Extension is great for it allows you to directly send links via email or connect it to your Facebook and Twitter accounts for easy sharing through Bitly.
What Memorize does?
The Chrome Memorize Extension helps you to memorize ideas or short questions so that they can become registered into one’s subconscious. As students, this might be a good way to help you learn those keywords that are part of definitions.
How does it help?
This lightweight application helps you to remember those boring information that may not come easy for you. It helps you repeat a certain concept every 10 minutes interval until it becomes a part of you. It works by setting questions and the interval you want the question to repeat itself.
Why it’s great?
The app is great as the questions shuffled itself and keep you trying until you get the questions correctly or until you click stop.