What Is a Reputation Audit?
A reputation audit is the process of finding out what consumers really think of your brand, how your brand sits in the marketplace, how it stands up against competition, and what the brand’s strengths and weaknesses are. In essence, it’s a SWOT analysis of your brand’s reputation.
This means a deep dive into your business’s social media canadian phone number list profiles, how your brand shows up on search engines, and what people are saying about your brand in online reviews. It also means revealing how your content and online platforms connect and communicate with your target audience.
The Importance of a Reputation Audit
The importance of conducting a reputation audit is clear if you look at the image below. As you can see, ratings and reviews come second only in importance to quality goods and services.
While positive reviews from satisfied customers are what any brand desires, in reality no business or brand can hope to achieve zero negative reviews.
However, a reputation audit can reveal if you have a small number of disgruntled customers or the beginnings of a bad reputation. This vital information can help steer your marketing strategy, and inspire an action plan to better appeal to and please potential customers.