If you think you are being too bold, suggest in a meeting with the sales team that they take a more flexible approach and also consider customized solutions for their customers.
17. Trace
Ok I promise, this is the last unknown term you will country email list see pop up among these sales techniques!
In reality, the meaning is simpler than you might think. Tracing means empathizing with the client to the point of being able to fully understand his worldview and ideals.
Empathy is the most powerful quality that allows us to truly and deeply connect with other people, both in everyday life and when selling.
So, as always within the commercial sales techniques that I am listing, put the human relationship before the mere pecuniary interest. Trust me, the reward will be much sweeter.

18. Ask the right questions and understand the motivations
Not all consumers are driven to purchase by the same motivations. This means that you must develop the ability to recognize who you are dealing with and personalize your value proposition .
When you are with the customer learn to observe him and ask pertinent questions; try to identify superficial problems and his real needs.
This can seem very complex when you are on one side and the customer is on the other. This is why it is important to start educating them before they contact you.
What does this mean? Writing articles that talk about the product or service, offering videos or interactive experiences, organizing events. Anything that is useful to educate the consumer about the company and what it sells . The process of educating the customer begins with marketing, today with web marketing .
This step is very important so that the seller is not always perceived as someone who wants to sell something. Deep down, this is what happens, but the seller is not always a slimy person who treats other human beings as numbers.
Try to interest consumers to gently lead them towards the purchase, so it will be painless for everyone.