In the end, we have all opened them. And what's more, many of us have ended up buying the product or service that was offered to us on more than one occasion. We were seduced by Email Marketing!
When you have fallen into the trap you will think, I have been tricked (once again)! And yes, it is all part of an Email Marketing strategy!
In a way, yes. But you have also been able to take advantage of an offer that in other situations would not have been presented to you or possibly going to a physical store, travel agency or face-to-face course would have been more expensive.
Email marketing is a technique used by most companies and users who have something to convey to their potential clients. Although it may seem unbelievable, if we use it correctly it will be more effective than any campaign on social networks.
A form of direct communication that, whether we like it or not, we have to apply to our Marketing strategy
Why should I implement Email Marketing in my business or project?
If you still have any doubts about the effectiveness of this technique, these 3 examples will help you get an idea of the importance of implementing an Email Marketing strategy for your company or project:
According to 2016 data from Emarketer, the ROI of Email Marketing is 122%. This is well above other tools such as social networks or CPC. This gives us a figure, in general terms, of how cheap it is to invest in this tool.
email marketing dataSource: Median ROI for Select Channels/Formats According to US Marketers, June 2016
2. Spain has one of the highest opening rates in Email Marketing. According to data from Experian in 2014 it was 29.74%.
3 Mailchimp , one of the most widely used platforms for mass email sending, provides us with the following data globally by industry and with accounts of more than 1,000 subscribers. And best of all, at a very low price!
mailchimp open rate
Now that you know the importance of Email Marketing and you are ready to take it more seriously, you just have to establish a small strategy and get to work.
From now on, your emails will have a higher opening rate, you will sell more on your eCommerce platform, you will interact more with your customers, your subscribers will not label you as "spam" and, above all, email marketing will have a meaning in your overall digital marketing strategy.
Do not confuse email Marketing with Newsletter
What is Email Marketing and what is Newsletter? The question is very simple but these two terms are often confused and used in a similar way when in reality they are two different concepts.
I wanted to start by differentiating these two concepts so that we can see in more depth that Newsletter is still an " informative bulletin ".
The Newsletter would be a form of communication via email with our customer database. It would be included in our Email Marketing strategy .
In this definition from Webempresa you will quickly understand the concept:
email marketing definitionEmail Marketing , on the other hand, is something more complex that includes an email strategy to achieve previously established objectives. Whether gambling data mexico it is to increase sales, get more subscribers, direct more traffic to the website, inform, etc.
Why carry out a strategic Email Marketing campaign?
Without a strategy, your campaign will be doomed to failure. You will start sending emails with great motivation, but over time you will forget about them and your energy and time invested in wanting to do things well will have been for nothing.
In the following infographic I wanted to share what would be a very simple Email Marketing strategy without going into depth.
It would be divided into 5 points:
Establish marketing objectives (sales, promotion of products or services, customer loyalty, increased traffic, etc.)
Defining the strategy
Mass mailing . In this case we have chosen one of the simplest and most used tools (Mailchimp).
List of subscribers (those we have in an initial phase) + actions to attract new subscribers
Analysis of results
email marketing
10 tips to improve your email conversion
Below I describe 10 basic tips that will increase your email conversion regardless of the goals you have set:
1. Publication rhythm when sending your Email campaigns
Establish a regular publication frequency . Based on your sector and the demands of your business. You yourself will realize the need that you and your audience have to communicate with them.
2 to 4 emails per month would be a good metric to start scheduling your emails.
2. Annual or semi-annual publication schedule
Create a publishing calendar that includes important dates and dates that may interest you (and your audience). This way, nothing will catch you off guard and you will be able to plan the most important dates for your business or project well in advance.