Careful management of all lead generation processes is essential. And today more than ever, it is necessary to monitor the costs . Not just those that are in the open: in fact, there are hidden costs that we often ignore and that are rarely talked about. What are they and why is it essential not to ignore them? Let's outline them.
Types of Hidden Costs of Lead Generation
The Lead Generation strategy is essential to continue to grow and remain solid on the market, even in this complex period. And to calculate the ROI of a project, it is necessary to know in advance the hidden costs that no agency tells.
Technology Platform Renewal Cost . Marketing Automation platforms, such as HubSpot or MarTech360 , have annual subscriptions that must be renewed year after year to continue operating with complete peace of mind. And this is all in all a predictable and plannable cost. The unexpected arises when we have to consider an upgrade .
Technological Platform Upgrade Cost . During the project, the need may arise to carry out certain activities that imply upgrading the platforms used. On the Sales side, for example, it may be necessary to use different sales pipelines , and with Hubspot this implies upgrade costs to the Sales Starter suite .
Cost for Extra Contacts HubSpot Platform . Platforms like HubSpot also imply extra costs based on how many workable contacts are present in the database, all proportioned in brackets.
ADV Budget . In order to best carry out Lead Generation activities, it is necessary to invest in advertising campaigns on LinkedIn or Google Ads, which imply a budget not calculated at the beginning of the project. Considering that a part of the budget will necessarily be allocated to this activity is useful to better approach the ideal overall expenditure.
Cost related to time man hours . It is perhaps the most difficult cost to identify, but in everyday operations we do not realize how much time we waste in managing all the processes and activities related to Lead Generation. After all, time is money .
Development costs . During Lead Generation activities, the need list of telegram users in belgium may arise to review the template of a Landing Page or make changes to the code to optimize active campaigns. This implies unexpected costs that obviously cannot be calculated at the beginning of the project, unless a cost cap is imposed.
Cost of remaking a website . During the course of the project, the need may arise to raise the bar, redefining your value proposition or your corporate identity : one of the classic activities is the design of a new architecture for your website, with costs that obviously cannot be predicted a priori.
Plug In Costs . Platforms like Wordpress imply continuous updates, maintenance and insertion of security Plug Ins that imply monitoring by experts, obviously expensive.
Hosting Cost . Where does our site rest? On a hosting, obviously. Which is not free.
From experience, when a new project starts, it is advisable to be as transparent as possible; for example, through a briefing that allows you to understand and delve deeply into everyone's needs, through well-detailed questions from which doubts and investment capacity can emerge . This activity is important to avoid undermining the relationship of trust with the customer.
Supporting the customer on lead generation , optimizing times and processes, allows you to support them adequately. According to a McKinsey analysis that frames the changes that occurred during the pandemic as permanent, 90% of participants in a survey say they want to maintain digital sales approaches and strategies in 2022 and beyond. This implies considering and knowing how to evaluate, even in the long term, the costs for lead generation, which until now had not even been considered as an issue.
The Hidden Costs of Lead Generation That No Agency Tells You
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