Better than on boards. Social networks work well to expand information about our center and attract new clients. I would like to see more clarity here, but this is in the future. My strategy is not very clear, but I try and draw conclusions. I decided that I will leave Dubl GIS in any case. I definitely calculated that this channel pays for itself. And in other respects, it varies. I have a certain understanding of what works, I take into account seasonality, I compare channels, but mostly in my head. In general, I havent tried many channels yet, I.
Dont even know about all of them, so I always meet and listen to what austria telegram number they offer me. There are even situations when a powerful surge in the influx of clients begins, although it seems like I havent placed any ads anywhere. 23 people from Dubl GIS, and the rest are not clear where they come from. I also understand that the Montessori center does not need advertising, I just need to build up a client base now, then word of mouth will do its job, since we only have 2 Montessori centers in the city. I need to build.
Up a critical mass of regular clients so that the name starts working for us. In general, there are statistics that it takes 5 years to establish a Montessori center, because we raise our clients from nursery from 3 months to school. Until you raise your children, you are considered a developing Montessori center. Therefore, I still need to puff up for about 2 years on advertising. But I even intuitively feel that during this time we will grow smiles. What place do you give your website in your advertising strategy ? Right now I cant get the full potential.