Daniel Burstein: Yeah, I think I've heard that called external versus internal motivations

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Daniel Burstein: Yeah, I think I've heard that called external versus internal motivations

Post by nishat@264 »

Or some versus intrinsic motivations. And and I like what you're saying about the knowing yourself. So I think the two things you need to know and there's this great Chris Rock, but I won't try to do a Chris Rock impersonation, but it's like what you're passionate about, what you're good at.

And he has this great bit where he talks about like going to some high school orientation with his daughter and they're, you know, and he's like a lot of the kids there, he's like they say, you could be anything you want. And he's like, you can be anything you want. He's like, You can be anything like that. You are good at, you know, amazing.

And even then it helps to know someone. But it's like, what panama whatsapp resource are you passionate about? What are you good at? What drives you? And if it's external, like you said, like titles or budgets or having a lot of years, I problem with that stuff is it's fleeting, right? It's going to be gone down. So but as you grow in your career, one thing that you get to do is manage people, right?

And this can be a challenge for some because, you know, you have a specific skill set that you're really good at, which is why you grew into that role, right? Which is a very different skill set than a people management skill set, let's say being a software engineer or being, you know, very good technically or something like that.

So I love this next lesson from you. You said the higher up you go, the priority becomes the people, right? You know, I remember really early my career, I was interviewing at a an ad agency and Guy just became a creative director. He was interviewing me and I said, well, what's what's you know, what's it like being a creative director?
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