Use keywords at the beginning.

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Use keywords at the beginning.

Post by jsarmin »

. Edit your form based on your needs
As we have already seen, landing pages are created with a goal in mind . Therefore, we must orient our form towards that goal.

Change the title of the form and tell the user what they will get if they give you the information you request or the objective for which you request that information, this way you can achieve greater conversions.

Edit the form by clicking on the pencil icon. Modify the fields that the prospect has to fill out based on your needs using the pencil icon or delete them using the trash can icon. In addition, you can add any data that is mandatory in order to complete the form if you wish.

HubSpot form landing page

You can use Smart Content, which HubSpot offers, to help you . These smart rules can be used in different categories such as:

Country will display the content depending on where you are viewing the content from.
Device type , whether they access your form from a australia telegram data mobile device or a computer.
If your visitor belongs to a HubSpot contact list the content will be displayed differently
This Smart Content section can help you customize content based on a variety of aspects and thus offer a personalized and unique experience to each visitor. This could increase the conversion rate and get them to complete the form, which is the main objective of creating our landing page.

5. Configure and optimize the landing page
Give your landing page a title , making sure to choose one that grabs attention and describes the purpose of your website.

You can also modify the slug to optimize it for SEO. Add a meta description and, if you want, you can select a campaign to then measure its metrics.
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