Inbound marketing is the integration of digital tools

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Inbound marketing is the integration of digital tools

Post by olivia25 »

Inbound marketing is the integration of digital tools

Inbound marketing x results
Spam mail
Corporate blogs
Responsive websites
SEO and Google Ads (Google Adwords)
After all, what is inbound marketing?
Inbound marketing x results
Oh internal marketing It is the most complete digital marketing strategy. The results obtained by integrating all the tools can be felt in practice. It is very common to hear some considerations regarding digital tools that are not real, such as:

oh spam email doesn't work; the results are bad;
Blog Not for business, it's just for B2C;
My sitio is great, no need to reply;
SEO doesn't work ;
Google Ads is only for those who have money;
I don't know what to do with people who like my Facebook page ; or no one likes my posts;
oh Instagram doesn't give results;
I don't use LinkedIn , almost no access.
Well, all of these tools work very well. There are best practices for them, but most importantly, there is the right way to use them. They all have their pros and cons, but we nepal b2b leads can safely say that they work even better for internal marketing .

Below is an overview of each tool with some tips:

Spam mail
Oh, correo de propaganda is still the best tool for connecting with customers or prospects. If you think that buying a mailing list and sending it to this list several times will surely fail.

First of all, because buying real estate can be a pain. After all, you don't have the authorization of these people to send emails and you could fall into a trap or lista negra because of that.

The best way is to build your own list, either by registering on the website or on social media, for example. The important thing is to acquire this data in a legitimate way. After all, anyone interested in your product/service will be interested in receiving your information.

In the context of internal marketing , email marketing has its place in the spotlight. It is he who, after converting visitors into dirige , will be responsible for carrying out the nurturing flow , until this potential customer becomes a customer.

To give you an idea, when mercadotecnia interna is used correctly, open rates are over 20%.


Corporate blogs
Corporate blogs are a great tool for building authority, whether in B2B or B2C. Sharing relevant content attracts an audience to the blog and, consequently, to your website. A well-written article helps with SEO and can also help with lead generation.

In inbound marketing, a blog is a must. It will be responsible for building the relationship with you and making your audience come back.

In addition, a blog will help your company rank well in search engines. It is essential to be present in the top positions, both on Google and Yahoo. And this will only be possible if you have a fully functioning one.

Responsive websites
I still see a lot of resistance from some clients when it comes to redoing their website. If the website is not responsive, it will not be attractive for organic searches. Since April 2015, Google changed the rules and, prioritizing the growing trends of adaptation to the mobile world, it started to consider responsiveness as crucial in searches. So, let's think about this when analyzing your website.
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